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Male Grooming Tips: Find out How You Can Save Money Today

Not too long ago, the male grooming industry was virtually nonexistent in the UK. There were very few moisturisers and creams targeted towards men, and ‘guy liner’ and ‘manscara’ were distant dreams for many. However, as more and more men begin to turn their attentions towards their appearance, the industry is now booming and is only set to grow further.

In 2015, the male grooming industry was worth an estimated $47.2billion, and is projected to hit $60.7billion by 2020. Manny Guitierrez and James Charles also made history in recent months as they became the first men to be the faces of make-up advertisements. With so much being spent on grooming products, surely there must also be ways to cut the costs too? Take a look at this post from Mr Lender to find out how you can save money on your grooming routine.


Shaving is one of the biggest contributors to the male grooming industry. As of 2016, the cost of razor cartridges were reportedly up by as much as 14% compared to 2014. To save money on your shaving routine, consider investing in an electric razor. These tend to last longer than standard razors and work out far cheaper in the long run.

Electric razors vary in price quite considerably, with the more expensive brands being sold for upwards of £100. However these are a great investment to make, as the heads will only need to be replaced every two years or so. As an example, if you were to opt for a Panasonic razor for £100, then buy spare heads every two years after that for £38 each, the electric razor will cost £50 per year for the first two years, then £17 a year after that.

Another option for you to consider, is simply growing your beard out. You will only need to trim it slightly every couple of weeks or so and keep it moisturised to avoid any dry and broken ends. While there are plenty of beard oils available on the market, you can simply make your own at home using a combination of ingredients easily found in supermarkets and health food shops. Oils can include argan, jojoba, and sweet almond to name a few. You can then choose to add a few essential oils such as lavender, cedarwood and lemongrass, depending on any issues you may want to alleviate.

Shaving foam

A common misconception is that shaving foam is a necessity when it comes to shaving. Again, the cost of shaving foam can vary massively – however it isn’t needed at all. Using a shaving brush is just as effective and will save you plenty of money in the long run. A shaving brush used on a bar of soap will create a perfect replacement to shaving foam.

An added benefit of using a shaving brush is that it lifts and separates the hairs, meaning you get a closer, more even shave while minimising the likelihood of getting painful ingrown hairs.

Moisturisers and face masks

Another growing trend in the male grooming industry, is moisturising and face masks. Plenty of men today are choosing to indulge in a face mask here and there, while also investing in facial moisturisers too. Instead of spending money on these grooming luxuries, make your own instead. There are lots of recipes  available online which use a whole host of different ingredients found lurking at the back of your cupboard, including vinegar, powdered milk, oatmeal and mayonnaise.

Instagram is also a great place to find recipes for face masks and skin care recipes. Accounts like @SalihsWorld offer daily tips and recipes for making your own masks and skin care treatments at home.

Male grooming on Instagram

A quick look at #MaleGrooming on Instagram presents you with almost a quarter of a million posts. Of course, lots of these are brands and businesses using this hashtag to try and drum up business using social media. However, there are a whole heap of images and videos of people making and using homemade products.

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