Published: 24/01/2023
and written by Kia Blue

Get instant cashback on the money you spend. Mr Lender’s top tip for saving money on your everyday spend is to download the JamDoughnut is a mobile phone App available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
Unlike other Cashback Apps, JamDoughnut offers instant cashback from hundreds of different Brands. The cashback can be claimed online at the checkout page or in-store at the till.
Over £2,000,000 a month is being spent through the App and someone is getting Cashback every 60 seconds. The average user is saving hundreds to thousands of pounds a year.
Download the App for Free.
Click here to download for Apple devices
Click here to download on Android devices
Once downloaded, select the brand that you wish to get Cashback from.
Some of the brands are listed below.
Enter the amount you wish to pre-pay. For example, £50 with Adidas. Once your purchase is confirmed, the Cashback will be added instantly to your JamDoughnut wallet. You will get a barcode and code that you can then use in-store or online with Adidas up to the value of £50. What you don’t spend, will still be available to spend in the future.
You can also use other vouchers and loyalty codes with JamDoughnut. So if for example, you have a discount voucher with Adidas, this will reduce the price of the item you are buying. Then at the checkout page (or in-store) use the JamDoughnut barcode to pay for the ‘reduced price’ item.
Below are some of the brands they offer cashback for:
Adidas Cashback
Airbnb Cashback
AllBar One Cashback
AMARA Cashback
Argos Cashback
Arsenal F.C. Cashback
ASDA Cashback
ASK Italian Cashback
asos Cashback
Asterley Bros Cashback
B&M Cashback
B&Q Cashback
Beer52 Cashback
Bella Italia Cashback
Bloom & Wild Cashback
Bonmarcha Cashback
Boohooman Cashback
Browns Cashback
Burton Cashback
BUSUU GBP Cashback
Butlins by Inspire Cashback
Cafe Rouge Cashback
Cafe Nero Cashback
Carpetright Cashback
caseable Cashback
Champneys Cashback
Chef & Brewer Cashback
Cineworld Cashback
Clarks Cashback
Cornerstone Cashback
Costa Cashback
Currys Cashback
Decathlon GB Cashback
Deliveroo Cashback
Donald Russell Cashback
Ember Inns Cashback
Ernest Jones Cashback
Eurostar Cashback
Farmfoods Cashback
Farmhouse Inns Cashback
FatFace Cashback
Flaming Grill Cashback
Foot Locker Cashback
Go Ape Cashback
Good Night Inns Cashback
Google Play Cashback
Gousto Cashback
Great British Pub Card Cashback
Greene King Cashback
Gruum Cashback
H. Samuel Cashback
Habitat Cashback
Halfords Cashback
Harvester Cashback
Harvey Nichols Cashback
Healthy Minds Club Cashback
Hobbycraft Cashback
Hotel Giftcard Cashback
HotelsGift Cashback
Hungry Horse Cashback
Hussle Cashback
Iceland Cashback
IKEA Cashback
Inspire Travel Gift Cashback Card
Inspire Staycation Cashback
JD Sports Cashback
John Lewis & Partn Cashback ers
JoJo Maman Babbe Cashback
Just Eat Cashback
Laithwaite’s Cashback
Las Iguanas Cashback Travel Cashback
Lavish Spa Vouchers Cashback
Loch Fyne Cashback
London Theatre Dire Cashback ct
Mango Cashback
Marks and Spencer Cashback
Miller and Carter Cashback
Morrisons Cashback
Morrisons Fuel Card Cashback
Nails Inc Cashback
Naked Wines Cashback
Nando’s Cashback
NastyGal Cashback
National Book Tokens Cashback
National Express Cashback
National Trust Cashback
New Look GB Cashback
Nicholsons Cashback
Nintendo eShop Cashback
Nintendo Switch Online Cashback
Odeon Cashback
Photobox Cashback
Pizza Express Cashback
Pizza Hut Cashback
Pizza Hut Restaurants Cashback
Prezzo Cashback
Primark Cashback
Red Letter Days Cashback
Reebok Cashback
Rituals Cashback
River Island Cashback
Royal Caribbean by Inspire Cashback
Sainsbury’s Cashback
Screwfix Cashback
Selfridges Cashback
Singa Cashback
Sizzling Pubs Cashback
Sports Direct Cashback
Spotify Cashback
Stipendium Cashback
Stonehouse Cashback
Superdry Cashback
Swarovski Cashback
tastecard Cashback
Ted Baker Cashback
The Body Shop Cashback
The Dining Out Card Cashback
The Hotel Card Cashback
The National Garden Centre Cashback
The Restaurant Card Cashback
The Wellness Card Cashback
Theatre Tokens Cashback
Ticketmaster Cashback
Toby Carvery Cashback
TripGift Cashback
Turtle Bay Restaurants Cashback
Uber Cashback
Uber Eats Cashback
Vintage Inns Cashback
Virgin Experience Cashback
Virgin GC Cashback
Virgin Wines Cashback
Wacky Warehouse Cashback
Waterstones Cashback
Wayfair Cashback
WHSmith Cashback
Xbox Cashback
Xbox Currency Cashback
Zalando Cashback
Zizzi Cashback |